
Laconica features

The documentation has just begun and needs alot work. Feel free to add some missing items 😉

This shall become the foundation of user documentation of the features of a Laconica driven microblogging site. I know that nobody is reading docs, but some do and these shall benefit abit. Currently I’m brainstorming, just comment on the items in the ideas list below.

intro paragraph

Documentation is also aviable in de, … (just add your translation here, trac is speaking UTF8)

  1. Features
  2. How to use Laconica
    • webinterface
    • Jabber/GTalk
    • email
    • SMS
  3. Details on features
    • tags
    • tagging your friends
    • search Laconica
    • invite people
    • favorites
    • Spam and Blocking other users
    • direct notices
    • Twitter related stuff
    • Twitter bridge
  4. How do I delete my account?


Laconica, as of version 0.6.0, supports public and direct notices. You can mark notices as your favorite, tag them and have them automatically pushed over to Twitter. You can post your notices with your browser, your favorite Jabber/GTalkapplication or one of many other desktop and web applications.

Please see below for details.

Also note that maybe not all features of Laconica are described here. If you find some missing items, add them!

Not yet implemented features

  • list of features known from other platforms, that are not jet implemented, but are planed to

I think this should be filled out by some of the devs *g*

How to use Laconica

To use Laconica you need an account at any Laconica based platform. The well known one is identica but there are many others as well (see ListOfServers). Laconica implements the OpenMicroBlogging protocol, meaning that you can have friends on other microblogging services that can receive your notices.

via the webinterface

screenshot of the main interface ( running Laconica 0.6.3)

The web interface is the main interface to the functions of a Laconica server. When logged in, there are three major parts on the main page: the main menu to the right of the logo, an input box and the public timeline.

The tabs below the input box are new in version 0.6.3, they will bring you to the public timeline, the overview page of the recent used tags, a list of featured users on the Laconica server and a list of dents that were marked as favorites the most this week.

To send a notice to the server, simply type in the input box and press the Send button. The notice should immediately enter the public timeline below.

via XMPP/Jabber

To use Laconica with XMPP (Jabber/GTalk) just add the XMPP bot of your Laconica platform to your contacts (at this is update[at] Then make sure your settings (IM tab) are set properly.

Sending “help” to the bot will give you an overview what it can do for you. As of version 0.6.0 the commands it understands are:

 on     - turn on notifications
 off    - turn off notifications
 help   - show this help 
 sub    - subscribe to user
 unsub  - unsubscribe from user

The list of commands has grown somewhat, just try “help” to see the all the commands.

To send a notice, just send it to the bot. If you enabled it in the setting, notices from people you’re subscribed to will be delivered to your XMPP account.

If you’re at a supported platform (currently that is identica, twitarmy and twitter) you can use dustins IdentiSpy service to track specific topics. Add laconica[at] to your contact list. Send a help to that adress for a short introduction.

For some currently unknown reasons has a problem with XMPP accounts. If it happens to sadden your Laconica experience you might try another XMPP service 😉

via email

To post dents via email you have to create an Incoming email adress in “Settings -> Email”. If you did, you can send emails with the address you entered above in the settings to this address to post notices.

The settings are case sensitive, so Testaddress[at] is not the same as testaddress[at]!

via SMS

please fill in – I don’t know

other applications