
Twitter-compatible API

The goal of the Twitter-ish API is to make it extremely easy for developers with tools that already talk to Twitter to communicate with Laconica sites as well. The most used methods will be implemented first.

The official Twitter API wiki is a good place to start for information about this API. We intend to provide full documentation on this site, but for now will have the exceptions. The following will be mostly useful for devs experienced with the Twitter API and getting ready to build in compatibility.

API root

The API root for is at

To make API calls you tack on the method name. Examples:

For other Laconica installs, the API root will be determined by whatever you set your $config['site']['server'] and $config['site']['path'] variables to in config.php. Generally, the pattern is:


So if your site server name is and the path to your Laconica install is laconica, your API root will be:


As with Twitter, the API uses HTTP Basic Authentication. Note that this means that users with only an OpenID login cannot use the API; they have to add a password to their account using the control panel on the site.

There’s no support for other, undocumented authentication methods.

JSONP callbacks

For API methods that return JSON, an optional JSONP-style callback parameter is supported. If supplied, the response will be in JSONP format with a callback of the given name. (Note: this is actually an undocumented feature of Twitter’s API.)

Rate limiting

We currently don’t enforce any rate-limiting. Please don’t make us regret it.


Some things to remember:

  • supports OpenMicroBlogging and some notices and friends may come from other servers.
  • On sites, user nicknames are unique, but they are not globally unique. Use the ID number instead.
  • Private streams are not implemented on yet.

Status methods

Public timeline As documented, except: does not support ‘since’ parameters.
Friends timeline As documented, except: does not support the ‘since’ parameter.
User timeline As documented, except: does not support the ‘since’ parameter.
Show As documented.
Update As documented, including support for ‘in_reply_to_status_id’ parameter.
Replies As documented, except: does not support the ‘since’ parameter.
Destroy As documented.

Note: As of Laconica 0.6.1, status methods support the ‘since_id’ parameter, which returns statuses with an ID greater than (more recent than) the specified ID. Additionally, they support a ‘before_id’ parameter, which returns all the notices before a given ID. ‘before_id’ is an extension to Twitter’s API.

User methods

Friends As documented, except: does not support the ‘since’ or ‘lite’ parameters. Also, ordered by subscription and not signup date.
Followers As documented, except: does not support the ‘since’ or ‘lite’ parameters. Also, ordered by subscription and not signup date.
Featured Not implemented. Robert Scoble gets too much attention as it is.
Show As documented. However, if the user cannot be found, a 404 error will be returned, unlike Twitter, which returns a random(?) user in that event. Also, you can bring up a user by email address alone. A user id is not required if an email address is supplied.

Direct message methods

Supported as of Laconica 0.6.1.

direct_messages As documented, except: does not support the ‘since’ and ‘since_id’ parameters.
sent As documented, except: does not support the ‘since’ and ‘since_id’ parameters.
new As documented.
destroy Not implemented.

Friendship methods

create As documented. Note that users cannot subscribe to remote profiles using this API.
destroy As documented. Users can unsubscribe to a remote profile using this API, but it’s preferred to use numeric IDs to nicknames.
exists As documented.

Account methods

verify_credentials As documented.
end_session Not implemented.
update_location As documented.
update_delivery_device Not implemented.
rate_limit_status Not implemented.

Favorite methods

Supported as of Laconica 0.6.1.

favorites As documented.
create As documented.
destroy Not implemented.

Notification methods

follow Not implemented.
leave Not implemented.

Block methods

Laconica does not support blocks yet.

create Not implemented.
destroy Not implemented.

Help methods

test As documented.
downtime_schedule Not implemented.